Saturday, October 15, 2011

Some Important Information to Say Goodbye to Your Boss

!9# Some Important Information to Say Goodbye to Your Boss

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Actually, there are several reasons for those who want to leave their job. For instance, when someone finds a better job with higher salary, or when someone does not feel comfortable anymore with the environment on the workplace. For that reasons, you need a professional manner to say goodbye to your boss. If you still cannot find the proper way to say goodbye to your boss, here are some important information for you to consider.

The first thing that you have to do is to give your boss the resignation letter for at least two weeks before the day you are going to leave. Do not forget to mention your reason on the letter you write. However, you only need to mention it on the letter if your reason is positive. If you mention a negative reason, this only can bring you to a problem. So, you have to be very careful in giving reason on your resignation letter.

Although, you are not going to stay longer on your office, but you still need to show your good work to your boss so that he will have good impression on you. Moreover, you also need to finish all your works before you leave your office. This can show that you are surely professional in handling your job.

Furthermore, if after you leave you want to stay in touch with all your friends in that office, you need to collect their contact information so that if someday you miss them you can contact them and make reunion. If it is possible, you can make a farewell party for them.

Lastly, do not forget to ask a recommendation letter to your human resource department. This can help you to support your background information on your new office. Also, do not forget to say goodbye, apologize, and thank to your boss politely at the day you are leaving.

Some Important Information to Say Goodbye to Your Boss

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